Fund My Lemonade Stand


Welcome to Fund My Lemonade Stand


Welcome to Fund My Lemonade Stand.

Welcome to the fundraising platform for kids who want to take the Lemonade Stand program and learn how to build their very own business.

The ability to market oneself, sell and raise capital are critical business skills and this platform gives children an early opportunity to start building these skills and empower themselves to attend Lemonade Stand.

The program, which has been featured on ABC, Sunrise, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and the Brisbane Times, asks children "what problem do you want to solve when you grow up" and gives them the tools they need to identify and solve problems, build business models and web, mobile and 3D prototypes to test their solutions, before finally pitching their big idea to an audience of parents, fellow students and startups!

We will get kids started with a $50 contribution - then it's up to them to reach out to family, friends, sports coaches and other associates to help them reach their target. Kids get to keep ALL of the money raised, which will go towards the ticket. If they only raise $100 then this value will come off the price of the ticket and parents/guardians are invited to make up the balance.

If you have any questions, please contact:


p: +61 3 9996 1257
